Using Romans 8:1 and Hebrews 12:2

for Gospel Assurance, Comfort and Strength

Dialectical Behavioral chart with Gospel Facts

Gospel Facts


  • How others judge me does not matter.
  • How I judge myself does not matter.
  • The Lord is my judge.
  • He tells me that I am a sinner, based on who I am from birth and what I have done in life.
  • But the Lord has already given my verdict, by grace, apart from how I perform.
  • Jesus earned God’s approval for me. Jesus lived perfectly and died innocently in my place. It is finished!
  • So, the Lord declares me not guilty.
  • Through faith in Christ’s completed work, I stand forgiven and approved before God, no matter what others think of me and no matter what I think of myself.

Romans 8:1

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 12:2

Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Gospel Facts

  • I fall short, but Jesus lived for me.
  • I have sinned, but Jesus died for me and has given me eternal life.
  • I will die, but Jesus rose and lives for me.
  • I have fears, but the Living Lord Jesus says, don’t be afraid.
  • I feel alone, but the Living Lord Jesus says, I am with you always.
  • I have problems, but the Living Lord Jesus hears my prayers.
  • Thank you, Lord, for saving me.
  • Thank you, Lord, for making me your dear child.
  • Thank you, Lord, for this blessing today ____________________ .
  • I have ____________________ in front of me to do today. Lord Jesus, bless me as I serve you. Fix my eyes on you. Fix my eyes on what you put in front of me.

The Dialectical Wise Mind

rational - wise mind - emotional

Where the emotional and rational minds find their proper boundaries.

Wisdom reposing in the heart of the discerning

emotional - guided by God's wisdom - rational

The Wise Mind guided by
God’s Wisdom

God, the Holy Spirit, gives us guidance through His Word to set the boundaries of the emotional and rational mind to form the Wise Mind, guided by God’s Wisdom

*From the writings of Rev. Alan Siggelkow. Please cite if including this resource elsewhere. Alan H. Siggelkow with insight from Allison Franck.

The above exercise has greater benefit when working with a Christian therapist, your pastor, or a fellow Christian. Interaction and accountability with another person who can provide understanding and encouragement is reinforced in therapy sessions.