Using Psalm 17:6-8

For God’s Assurance answering Prayer

Psalm 17:6-8



Assurance that God answers our prayers.

David prays for help from God because of the King’s enemies.

6I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.

David is confident that God will hear and answer his prayer.

  • How confident is King David who wrote this Psalm/prayer that God will help him?

Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.

His confidence is in the love of God for him.

His confidence is in the powerful right hand of God.  God has saved David and all who trust in Him in the past.

  • On what characteristics of God does the King base his confidence?
  • How has God saved you because He loves you in the past and right now?

Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings

David knows he is precious to God.

David trusts in God’s protection.

  • What is the word picture of being the apple of someone’s eye?
  • How has God shown that He considers you to be precious in His sight?
  • What is the word picture of God hiding you in the shadow of His wings?
  • How confident can you be that your all powerful God will hear and answer your prayers for your good?

*From the writings of Rev. Alan Siggelkow. Please cite if including this resource elsewhere. 

The above exercise has greater benefit when working with a Christian therapist, your pastor, or a fellow Christian. Interaction and accountability with another person who can provide understanding and encouragement is reinforced in therapy sessions.