The Immigration Experience – Introduction

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Mental Health and Spiritual Impact in the Immigration Experience



This is the first of a planned series of blogs on the subject of the mental and spiritual impact of immigration within a family which we plan to publish. We hope to have a new one each month over the course of the next year.

We feel that the impact of the immigration experience within a family has not been studied well. This work will not be heavily researched. It will be anecdotal and Christian, however.

Carolina Acosta is leading this project. The first blog is her personal thoughts on the impact of the immigration experience on herself. She is an immigrant from Venezuela to the United States and currently works as a counselor in Miami, Florida.

These are a list of topics we hope to cover:

  1. Fears… Peace in the middle of uncertainties/ Trusting in God’s plan for our lives :
  2. Overcoming grieving during immigration: The key my identity in Christ.
  3. When I did not make the decision to immigrate.
  4. Raising kids in another country / impact in second and third generation.
  5. Immigration : A lesson in detachment
  6. Words from an immigrant
  7. Words that describe the impact of immigration over three generations post immigration.
  8.  Words from an undocumented immigrant.
  9. Using my gifts and talents in another country.
  10. Learning to be content in another country.
  11. Dealing with loneliness feelings.

We invite you to share your comments and thoughts
by corresponding with Carolina.

We pray that, if you are a therapist or a pastor or a Christian who has had an immigrant experience across the generations of your family, that you will learn things from these blogs to help you in your personal understanding, your ministry, and your relationships within your family. Your input is appreciated.

May God bless you in this life and into eternity through the grace of Jesus, His Son!

Series NavigationThe Immigration Experience – Generational >>The Immigration Experience – Overcoming Grief >>
This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series The Immigrant Experience