The WELS / ELS Christian Therapist Network of Therapists (Network) does not evaluate / examine, determine, or provide a warranty with respect to the competence of any therapist listed in the Network directory (“Directory”). User of the Directory (User) agrees that the User’s use of the Directory to locate a counselor is completely voluntary and that the User agrees that User’s use of the directory or a selected therapist, or reliance on the advice or direction of the selected therapist, shall not result in any liability against the Network. With respect to all use of the Directory and the therapists listed therein, the User fully and voluntarily releases Network from any claim, demand, or other legal action of any nature it has, had, and may have against the Network related to the use of the Directory. In no event shall the Network be liable for damages to any User of the Directory for the selection of any therapist, for the services provided by any listed or selected therapist, or for any damages which may occur relating to the use of the Directory or therapist.
As used herein, the Network shall be defined to include the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, each Synod’s directors, officers, employees, volunteers, committee members, members, and agents. The Network cannot and does not provide any warranties related to the information nor the accuracy of the information contained in an individual therapist profile, nor the resulting services that may be provided by a listed therapist. All of the information in the therapist profile is provided by the therapist who has affirmed that the statements are true and that the information provided is not false, misleading, or deceptive. Each therapist listed in the Directory has provided copies of current licenses and professional liability coverage. However, the Network does not verify or warrant the accuracy of the listed license / certification / liability information. If interested, please check with the appropriate state regulatory body to confirm the currency and accuracy of all the license / certification information. By performing a directory search for a therapist, User agrees that User understands and accepts the terms and conditions of the Directory outlined above.