Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. I Peter 5:7
“Hang in there!” Has anyone ever offered you those “encouraging words”? They no doubt meant them to offer you encouragement. But maybe they had the opposite effect. To “hang in there” puts the focus on you and your ability to help yourself by holding something tightly-like when that merry-go-round got going too fast when you were a child so that you had to hold on “for dear life” just to survive the ride!
Did you realize that we who live on planet earth are actually moving about 67,000 miles per hour (by the time you figure in revolutions and rotations of our planet…). It’s no wonder then, that we become anxious from time to time! Our heads can be spinning while we ourselves are spinning like that “tea-cup ride” at the local fair.
When life is moving a little too fast, remember who is in control of all things, who was able to cause the winds and the waves that had been raging uncontrollably to become completely calm (Mark 4:35). He’s the same One who left his peaceful home in heaven behind, to ride it out with us here on earth, and to give us something to eagerly look forward to enjoying, when this ride we call life comes to an end.
He understands anxiety and even “sweated it out” in a Garden called Gethsemane where he would cast his anxiety on his heavenly Father (three times!) and put himself into his Father’s caring hand to carry out his will for the good of all mankind. It was there, in that garden that he was so anxious that his sweat was like drops of blood (Luke 22:44). His name is Jesus Christ and boy does he care for you!
He who did not want you to be anxious about what is going to happen to you when you die, is also interested in anchoring you firmly in this life when storms arise. He’s there for you. He understands anxiety. And he already took care of your greatest fear in life. With Jesus “on duty” you don’t have to “hang in there”. He would hang in there on a cross so you could know that it’s o.k. to just let go!
Lord, you invite us to “be still” and to know that you, the great “I AM”, are in control of all things. You have promised to see me through this life and to be with me when storms of life rage all around. Fill my heart with peace to “let go and to let God [YOU]” work everything out for my eternal good. I pray this to you because you obviously care for me! Amen.